Sunday morning, before hitting the shack, Dodger and I went out to enjoy our daily skate/run around the neighborhood. I felt good. I was finally getting back to 100 percent following the debauchery that was Boulder and NYC and was looking forward to a smooth day.
We headed toward the coffee spot and turned the corner to find household after household hawking their goods on the street. After I passed the fourth such occurrence, I started to get the notion that there was more to this than coincidence. Hopping off my longboard we approached a group of people clad in matching blue jumpsuits and asked what the deal was.
The gentleman in charge responded that it was a neighborhood wide yard sale- and that he had seen a flyer for it in the last week or so. Damn- another beautiful opportunity to search the streets for some cheap art- blown. Jumpsuit man went on to tell me that he felt particularly fortunate because it gave him ample opportunity to raise money for his circus troop. Oh- of course, I thought.
I was slightly crunched for time so this I let this little tidbit roll off, and mumbled something about having to head into work.
As I moved past them the ring Leader pronounced “You don’t have to go to work. You could just skip it. There are consequences to every action.” Hmmmmm- well all right, fuck it. Now you’re speaking my language. Thanks clown.
I wished them well and skated around the corner to my apartment. Dodger was having a terrific time and wanted to continue, but followed me since I was opening the garage- which inevitably leads to my car- and he for some reason thinks that every time we get into the car we are headed somewhere EXCITING.
As I flipped the latch I had that uneasy feeling that there were eyes on my back. Oh no- more circus counseling, I thought. The eyes that met me were not those of my new found ring-master friend, but of our neighbor from across the street burning into my forehead.
Hi, how’s it going today? I offered as smoothly as I could, considering he had caught me off guard and suspicious.
Do you live there? he asked gesturing at my building behind me.
Whaaa? Yea- in the back. I waved toward the back of our building.
Were you up Friday night around 3-4am?
Ummmm- no. I responded shortly with a “whaddaya want” look on my face.
I had wisely decided to sleep at big V’s that night as I knew that Mississippi Man and Co. were going to boogieing on down all night.
Hmfff. He looked further disgruntled. He wanted blood- and I wasn’t about to give it to him. At that moment I noticed the egg that had trickled down the garage door and onto the cement where I was about to step. Ugh- I guess we really pissed some people off. With a quick look over my shoulder I made my way to my car. I’m outta here. This was too much fun for five minutes.
There’s never a dull moment in this neighborhood.
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