The session has been in a rough state lately.
The waters have been wind blown, sloppy, and unattended to- and I'm struggling to keep my senses- even as the days grow longer, warmer, and more beautiful. I need to get wet again, submerged, brutalized, and hopefully fall back into that beautiful rhythm that allows one to reunite with the energy waves all around.
So today, after my return from a mini-session to the middle of the country (Colorado) and the East Coast (NYC), I found myself thinking about how this whole sessioning thing got started.
Well- initially I could trace it back to my random banter with Matt and Colin about getting some writing off the ground this winter, but that didn't really seem to be the start of it. So I looked further. It could have been my decision to forgo the local college offers and head off to Colorado to expore the 'wild' west, but that didn't seem to sum it up either. And neither did my drunken exploration of life as a kid looking up to my elders while summering on Martha's Vineyard. No, the endless session started far before the broken bottles, dip stains, and puke on the tennis court railing.
It began with my father- as he left Nebraska over 40 years ago, in search of what he did not know, just the inkling that there had to be more than the stagnancy and monotony of the Omaha suburbs. And before him it started with our forefathers who somehow survived the harrowing journey across the Atlantic and landed in Fall River with not much more than a cow. They had enough guts to strike out with the hope of finding an unspoiled land of opportunity, somewhere in the fertile lands of a young United States. And before them, in fact, well it might just be traced back to our entrepreneurial beer brewing ancestors in Copenhagen.
The fact of the matter is- this session is the fruits of a seed planted many, many moons ago. My main struggle at the moment is to identify how to grasp all of that energy and to turn it into something useful. I need a better understanding of where I've been and to be a man of action, even if that action means being still.
I need to recommit and figure out what the hell it is I have been doing over the past two years, and how to use that knowledge to find my bearings for the future. This ship is staggering through the shallows, and I'm feeling a bit sea-sick. We all come out of our our protected youth at some point, as graduates or drop-outs, abandoned, as pushed, loved, lost, reborn, dejected, or committed individuals- and must find a way to tend to the sparks that have been nurtured for us and build a steady a flame for our own survival and happiness.
I want to commit to consistency. There are too many convenient hindrances to use as excuses for my lack of progress to where I want to be. I need to show some spine and execute. So, for the next 100 days I want to throw something down the TES line, with the end goal of having a semblance of consistency in my life- for the first time ever.
So cheers to steep drops, stupid anecdotes, and useless banter. Fuck it, if you stick around and read on, hopefully you'll find something in my search that will inspire you in your session too.
Drop some knowledge on me when you have something to say. I appreciate any and all input. I need some inspiration. Anyone know where I should start?
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