I am an expert in exhausting myself on my day off. The aftermath always consists of reduced productivity, apathy, and moodiness; possibly the result of a destroyed frontal lobe. Hence my fish-like qualities. The good news? Fish was on the menu this evening.
Tilapia, aka St.Peters Fish (due to its shenanigans of biblical proportions), is a freshwater fish found in warm water streams, ponds, and lakes. Although it is an effective biological control for aquatic plant problems, it is known to be an invasive species when it is introduced to new habitats. It is the third most utilized fish in aquaculture and eats a primarily vegetarian diet, so organic Tilapia is low in mercury, fat, carbs, and calories. Their farmed brethren, on the other hand, have a high fat content and may be worse for the heart than eating bacon or a burger.
Baked with a nice cajun spice, Tilapia is a great match for fresh sauteed veggies. To keep with the theme of the evening, we enjoyed our meal with a swirling Phish set from from last summer's show at Hartford, followed by wholesome Phish Food. Monday may not be my strongest day in the sea, but the life of a fish phan is never too shabby.
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