On the rare mornings in Frisco when the sun has already conquered the fog and it's curiously warm enough to stroll the streets in just a t-shirt- you know that you must make the best of it. With only a few hours to spare before the United States kicked off its quest for World Cup glory I decided to check the swell.
A newer tool in the arsenal of wave predictability is StokeReport- a real-time Bay Area surf report tool, where users upload a brief, twitter-esque blurb about the conditions and can opt to post a picture. While incredibly logical, this tool has the surf community passionately divided. Some people are all for common knowledge and sharing the "stoke", while others see it as another bombardment of their waves, drawing more kooks to the water.
I see the argument on both sides- but considering the beaches the are included, Linda Mar and OB, I don't really have a problem with it. Linda Mar is the most crowded, convenient wave around and is an ugly mess almost every day of the week. OB is big enough to accommodate the city which it backs and the pecking order is well established at the better sandbars. Ya don't f%#$ with the folks at Kelly's Cove unless you want a black eye. What could be a potential problem about this site is if people start to post locations/details which are a little further off the map, exposing less inundated breaks to hoards of meatheads who didn't embark on the search themselves.
I say up with the stoke, but keep it classy. As any good New Englander knows- Loose lips sink ships.
As for babes on SUPS? Well that's a whole different debate.
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