This week kicked off with huge surf on Monday/Tuesday, followed by manageable 6-8 foot peaks- groomed nicely with the fall offshores at OB on Wednesday, fun 3-6 foot OB windswell on Thursday, and head and a-half, to double overhead adrenaline thrusters at Rockaway today. October kicks a$$. Next week we look forward to triple-overhead conditions. Hello November.
Clawing into a heavy left yesterday I happened upon a yellow camera housing- held courageously by a fin-clad photographer. The thought of sitting on the inside of a thick pack of fiberglass wielding surfers, hoisting a heavy, expensive camera makes me cringe. But I do whole-heartedly appreciate these devoted artists efforts.
In fact- I could use some high-grade shots of the crew getting pitted, anyone up for a session of senseless beatings? I'll pay in booze and hugs. If anything actually comes out I'll even throw in a little "gruyere". I learned this impressive bit of verbiage from a co-worker hailing from Oakland. Thug for "high-end money", something I could clearly use more of.
A bit of good news: the south-bound stretch of Great Highway between Sloat Ave. and to Skyline Blvd. has been reopened. With the guarantee of winter storms on our doorstep, I can't imagine that this route will remain open for very long, so enjoy it while you can.
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